Yanni Davros 20 Gen Z comics will keep you entertained with surprising endings

By Sandoval 7 month ago 474
In truth, most millennials confront many of the same issues that we do, such as difficulty finding work in a competitive labour market and earning enough money to cover rent.

Yanni is a professional artist 33 years old who lives in Sacramento, California with his girlfriend Niki and their dog Sai. Yanni draws inspiration for his comics from real-life events, characters, and situations he observes around us, as well as from our social interactions. He was also influenced by the absurdist comedies that were prominent in film and television during the 1980s and 1990s.

Yanni's main Prolific Pen Comics topics include Boomer War, Millennials, Z, Santa's Gifts, and shopping. Because all of the characters are named after colours, there are four primary characters: Olive, Teal, Fuchsia, and Violet. In addition, he developed a diverse ensemble of supporting characters ranging in age from youngsters to the elderly to parents. They are millennials trying to make their way in life and with one another. Each of them has their own personality.

Yanni enjoys designing amusing comics that will make people smile and nod. His four-panel comics are strangely unexpected. Because of the hilarious manner, the jokes are fairly simple to understand. Scroll down to read Yanni Davros' 30th Generation Z comic, which will make you laugh out loud!

#1. Extravagant generation

Yanni Davros 20 Gen Z comics will keep you entertained with surprising endings

#2. Just be comfortable like Gen X

Yanni Davros 20 Gen Z comics will keep you entertained with surprising endings

#3. Surprise?

Yanni Davros comics

#4. Don't touch sensitive spots


Yanni Davros comics

#5. Catatouille

Yanni Davros comics

#6. Action says it all

Yanni Davros comics

#7. Sometimes I also want to be protected


Yanni Davros comics

#8. The source of everything…

Yanni Davros comics

#9. Everything has a solution

Yanni Davros comics

#10. Page?


Yanni Davros comics

#11. Then who made life on his planet?

Yanni Davros comics

#12. Office DJ

Yanni Davros comics

#13. Easy?


Yanni Davros comics

#14. Father’s secret

Yanni Davros comics

#15. Similar thinking

Yanni Davros comics

#16. You are really funny! Huh?


Yanni Davros comics

#17. Are you serious?

Yanni Davros comics

#18. You are just a character in someone else's movie

Yanni Davros comics

#19. Human resources


Yanni Davros comics

#20. The teacher also doesn't know how to teach…

Yanni Davros comics

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